How safe is the credit information you’ve obtained and where’s it stored?
We have comprehensive legal agreements with all of the companies, including the Credit Reference Agency, we acquire information from. We impose and enforce strict security rules for transferring your ...
Last updated: 22/06/2024
What's a modification?
We say a car's modified when it has internal or external alterations that weren't part of the manufacturer's original specification, or were not fitted as an optional extra to the car when it was new....
Last updated: 25/07/2024
How do I retrieve a quote?
If you saved your quote then simply go to My account > My quotes....
Last updated: 22/06/2024
Can I get instant cover?
Yes. If you pay by credit or debit card online, we'll send you your policy number as soon as we've processed your payment. This means you can drive your car straight away, and get instant access to yo...
Last updated: 22/06/2024
Will I be asked to prove my No claim discount?
If we aren't able to automatically validate your proof of No claim discount (NCD), you'll need to send us a copy of your proof from your previous insurer. The proof will usually take the form of a ren...
Last updated: 25/07/2024